Volám sa Rastislav Šorman, som z Prievidze a robím to čo ma baví – fotografujem ľudí, hlavne ženy.
Mám v mene ešte slovo Aries, tento výraz je z latinčiny a v preklade to znamená Baran.
V dnešnej dobe fotografuje snáď každý. Ešte aj mačka mojej sestry má viac selfies, ako ja. Jedinou výhodou v tomto boji je, že ani dvaja pekári neupečú rovnaké žemle, každá chutí trochu inak, aj keď sa možno podobajú.
Čo sa mojej skvelej maličkosti týka, fotografovaniu sa venujem odjakživa… v preklade: od puberty.
V živote som fotil všeličo, ba až všetko: ľudí, lesy, moria, ulice, mrakodrapy, moju rodinu a predsa som sa oblúkom vrátil na začiatok, k tomu, čo fotografujem najradšej.
Zakotvil som pri portrétovaní. Skutočnými hrdinkami mojich fotografií boli, sú a budú ženy, pretože sú krásne a krása je odjakživa v oku diváka… a hlavne v mojom oku.. ľavom.
Nefotografujem svadby ani žiadne skupinové podujatia, veľkolepé ani komorné, tejto ceste sa vyhýbam a verím, že to tak aj ostane.
Snažím sa do mojich portrétov a fotografií skryť niečo viac, než je patrné na prvý, druhý a občas aj tretí pohľad.
Nikdy nedám z rúk fotografiu, s ktorou nie som spokojný! …radšej ju pošlem emailom.
Nebránim sa portrétovaniu neznámych, no nerobím nič nasilu, prinajhoršom si nechám pokaziť charakter peniazmi, alebo pečienku alkoholom.
Momentálne pracujem na sérii fotografií, ktorou sa vinie príbeh, formou sú to portréty, obsahom celé životy, alebo minimálne útržky.
Mám rád svetlo v očiach, zmyselnosť, provokáciu, tajomno, víno, kávu a svojich blízkych.
Svet má dnes k dispozícii obdivuhodné technológie, skvelé digitálne nástroje a super telefóny. Ja som klasik a pri klasike aj zostávam.
Všetky fotografie sú fotené na film.
Žiadny digitál, iba film.
Asi to bude tým, že film mi jednoducho učaroval. Láska na prvý cvak.
My name is Rastislav Sorman, I live in Prievidza (Slovakia, Europe) and I am blessed that I’m allowed to do what I like to – take photographs, mainly women.
My nickname is Aries, it is a Latin name of one of the zodiac signs.
Nowadays, it is quite popular to take pictures. Everybody does it. Even the ugly cat of my sister has more selfies than I. The advantage of this artistic struggle is that even though there are many bakers, each apple pie tastes different.
When it comes to the amazing myself, I have been taking pictures since I can remember… well, puberty that is.
I have taken pictures of anything and everything: people, forests, seas, streets, skyscrapers, my family… Finally, I have closed the circle and got all the way back to the beginning, to what I like at most – portraits. My pictures have always featured women because their beauty reflects in the eyes of the spectators. And it needs to go through my eye, of course. (The left one.)
I don´t like to photograph weddings or events, no matter how big or small they be. I am trying to keep away from it and hope it stays like that.
I strive to put something extra into my portraits…something that is not obvious at the first, second or even third sight. I would never hand over a picture to my client that I am not 100 percent satisfied with… I would send it by email instead.
I don’t mind shooting unknown people, but I don´t like to do things by force when I don’t feel comfortable. In the worst case, you can bring some money or alcohol. That might help me cross the river.
Currently I am working on a series of photographs telling a story. They’re portraits and they render either whole lives or parts of it.
I like reflections of light sources in subjects‘ eyes, their sensuality, provocation, mysticism, and I also like wine, coffee and my friends and family.
Although there are fantastic technologies available nowadays, amazing digital tools and state of art mobile phones, I am a classic and I still use classic tools. I shoot all my photos on film.
No digital, just film.
Probably, it´s because I have fallen in love with it. Love at first snap.